client stories.
scent lab.

Scent Lab is re-imagining how people shop for fragrance with an customer-empowering, digital-first approach & personalized shopping experience that allows customers to express fragrance preferences via a sensory- driven digital experiences, with recommendations powered by AI.

The experience is changing the way people shop for fragrance, forever.


Fragrance is a big part of our everyday lives but consumers find it hard to find a new fragrance that’s right for them. For Scent Lab we created a customized retail experience and robust data infrastruture that learns, adapts and make intelligent recommendations for users in a way that is simple to understand and purchase.


The hybrid CRM and ERP platform proved to be the perfect solution for Kayak Pools Midwest, as it offered a comprehensive suite of tools that allowed the company to handle all of its departments, including sales, service, purchasing, accounting, and installation. Additionally, the platform’s customer module provided a streamlined and integrated approach to customer engagement, allowing customers to purchase parts, check their order and permitting status, and chat with dedicated Kayak Pools Midwest staff. The implementation of this platform enabled Kayak Pools Midwest to run their entire operation from a centralized system, significantly reducing manual work and improving overall efficiency.

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