client stories.
kayak pools Midwest.

Kayak Pools Midwest is a leading brand and retailer of pools that needed a comprehensive and integrated system to handle their customer’s journey. They needed a platform that could handle everything from customer engagement to sales, service, purchasing, accounting, and installation departments. That’s where the hybrid CRM and ERP platform came into play.


Kayak Pools Midwest faced several challenges before implementing the hybrid CRM and ERP platform. They had a previous system that ran locally and had a lot of manual steps, which made it difficult to manage their customers’ journey efficiently. They needed a platform that could streamline their operations, improve their workflows, and provide a better customer experience. With their growing business, Kayak Pools Midwest needed a more scalable solution to handle their needs, which is why they turned to the hybrid CRM and ERP platform.


The hybrid CRM and ERP platform proved to be the perfect solution for Kayak Pools Midwest, as it offered a comprehensive suite of tools that allowed the company to handle all of its departments, including sales, service, purchasing, accounting, and installation. Additionally, the platform’s customer module provided a streamlined and integrated approach to customer engagement, allowing customers to purchase parts, check their order and permitting status, and chat with dedicated Kayak Pools Midwest staff. The implementation of this platform enabled Kayak Pools Midwest to run their entire operation from a centralized system, significantly reducing manual work and improving overall efficiency.

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